Owning a unique car is something many Americans fancy and the recent purchase of the 1939 Pontiac Deluxe Six “Ghost Car” would be sure to please any car enthusiast.
This vehicle is really one of a kind and is sure to invoke pondering stares everywhere its owner goes at it’s completely transparent. That’s right, this vehicle is made out of Plexiglass and was designed for the 1939/1940 World’s Fair in New York.
The World’s Fair was a place for manufactures to give their thoughts on what they thought the future would hold. Although see-through cars haven’t caught on, this piece of history is sure to be a conversation piece forever.
Although there is visible damage to the unrestored classic, it still holds the record for being the first full-size transparent vehicle to date. Even with the damages, this beauty went for $308,000 at the auction.
Buying a classic automobile may be on your wishlist, but if you’re currently paying too much for your auto loan, then your hopes of restoring a classic may be tarnished. An auto loan refinance will lower your monthly bills so you’ll have a bit extra to save up for your dream car.