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Automotive trends authority announces new vehicle sales on the rise

TrueCar, an automotive solutions provider and authority on market trends relating to sales, recently released its sales and incentives forecast for September 2011, which found new vehicle sales are at the highest recorded seasonally adjusted annual rate since April.

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Harris poll: Optimism abound in automotive industry

The latest Harris Poll, which gauges the public’s perception of 22 of the nation’s largest industries, recently revealed a noticeable improvement in the reputation of the auto industry.

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Automaker manufacturer and brand grades dominated by Hyundai

TrueCar Data, a leading authority in new car pricing, forecasting and trends, recently released its Performance Scorecards and found that Hyundai leads in grading for manufacturers and brands for the third consecutive month.

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New touch-based in-vehicle alcohol detection device in development

The National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration, along with the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety and the Automotive Coalition for Traffic Safety, have awarded $2.25 million for the development of the world’s first in-vehicle alcohol detection device.

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How much is too much technology in a vehicle?

As consumers become more technologically savvy by way of social networking and smartphones, the auto industry is taking cue by installing newer models of vehicles with systems that will allow people to stay connected, reports.

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